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Conversion to EPUB
Professional quality eBooks in EPUB3 format designed with accessibility in mind.
An eBook allows for a completely different interaction with the contents of a book. The smell and feel of a physical book is sacrificed for availability, mobile responsiveness, user control over background colour and text magnification, direct page access (Table of Contents, Indexes, cross-references), live links to the internet, metadata and semantics that can be used by eReader applications and assistive technologies. For those with print disabilities, the eBook may be the only opportunity to experience a book independently and ensuring it is accessible is key. Even if the printed book appears well formatted, the electronic copy may not (in most cases will not) convert directly to a well formatted eBook. It won't add accessible features nor most metadata.
Publications designed with accessibility in mind produce a better overall user experience.
Ebooks make up 21% of sales and 13% of sales revenue ( It is worth investing in a positive user experience.
Accessibility features you can expect included are well organized structure of content and files, accessibility metadata, alternative text, multiple navigation methods including page numbers of the corresponding print version, ARIA and EPUB semantics for use by assistive technologies, appropriate paragraph line spacing, and magnification of text uninhibited.
Accessibility features in the books I develop are guided by
WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) (level AA)
WAI-ARIA 1.1 (Web Accessibility Initiative-Accessible Rich Internet Applications
I can develop the eBook from Indesign or from formatted text such as rich text or Word. I can help update your backlist from EPUB2 to EPUB3 where necessary and ensure they are accessibility compliant.
Contact me at or DM me on LinkedIn